Hyperbaric medicine

In the base layer of many pathological conditions there is hypoxia- the decreased amount or lower than normal level of oxygen pressure. The medical application of oxygen in the treatment of numerous diseases is a common practice in all the medical centers throughout the world.

 The CODRA Hyperbaric Center has a state of the art multi-bed (8+2), two-section hyperbaric chamber manufactured by the world’s most famous manufacturer HAUX. It was manufactured according to the requirements and needs of our institution. The chamber is fully automated and meets all the necessary prerequisites for a professional and safe conduction of the hyperbaric oxygenation therapy.

The automation of the entire process of management and being able to monitor the necessary parameters during the therapy, audio and visual surveillance of therapy implementation, ergonomic seats, AC, allow us to provide the HBO at a highest technical level.

By upholding all of the standards of the hyperbaric medicine we strive to provide the most optimal treatment to the patients with the maximum efficiency during the application of the therapy. All the treatments are conducted under supervision of our doctors and staff members who are trained to manage the HBO system and carry out therapy. The number of treatments is individual for each and every one of the patients. One of our doctors after the examination and inspection of the medical documentation of the patient designs a therapy plan for the patient. The therapy plan, treatment protocol and number of treatments depend on the indications, patient condition as well as the response to the applied therapy. Some urgent conditions require several chamber therapies, chronic wound cases, soft tissue infections and diabetes complications require up to 20-30 exposures, in cases of osteomyelitis 40-60 exposures. In order to enhance the general psycho physical status in healthy people 10-15 exposures are recommended.


Based on the mechanism of action and the aforementioned effects of the HBO therapy, there is almost no field of medicine in which the hyperbaric oxygenation is not applied:

  •  Emergency medicine – gas gangrene, arterial gas embolism, carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning, decompression sickness, acute traumatic ischemia (crush injuries and compartment syndrome), sepsis
  •  Surgery – soft tissue infections, necrotizing fascitis, chronic wounds, arterial, venous and mixed ulcers, diabetic foot, diabetic phlegmon, gangrene, decubitus
  •  Vascular surgery – Atherosclerosis, acute and chronic arterial insufficiency, ischemic changes of the lower extremities, Mb Buerger, Mb Raynaud, vasculitis
  •  Neurology – Multiple sclerosis, migraine, cluster headaches, polyneuropathies of various etiologies (diabetic, alcoholic, medication), post-stroke conditions, trigeminal neuralgia, Parkinson’s disease, dementia
  • Dermatovenerology – pyoderma gangrenosum, psoriasis
  •  Rheumatology – systemic sclerosis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia
  •  Orthopedics and traumatology – dysbaric osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head and humerus, chronic refractory osteomyelitis
  •  Plastic and reconstructive surgery – compromised skin grafts, burns, frostbite
  •  Urology – Gangrene Fournier, post-radiation cystitis, vascular impotence
  •  Gynecology – sterility
  •  ENT – acute deafness, malignant otitis externa, tinnitus, Bell’s palsy
  •  Ophthalmology – occlusion of the central retinal artery
  •  Hematology – severe anemia
  •  Gastroenterology – ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
  •  Sports medicine – treatment of sports injuries of muscles, bones, tendons, acceleration of recovery after exhausting competitions and training
  •  Pediatrics – cerebral palsy, autism
  •  Oncology – post-radiation necrosis of skin and soft tissues, increase in radiosensitivity of tumor tissue
  •  Physical medicine and rehabilitation – in rehabilitation after stroke, coronary disease, peripheral vascular disease, paresis and paraplegia, toxic encephalopathy
  •  Neurosurgery – cerebral abscess, traumatic brain injuries
  •  Dentistry – osteomyelitis of the mandible, infections after surgical interventions and tooth extraction, before and after implant placement
  • Anti-aging and post COVID syndrome
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