Digestive surgery

The digestive surgery ward operates within the CODRA Hospital Surgery Center.  Ever since it was established it has been a stand out part of the Hospital. Throughout its 15 years of existence it has been following the most contemporary trends within the domains of diagnostics and treatment of the patients, it has been acquiring  the cutting edge equipment and continuously invested in the further education of the doctors.

Digestive surgery is being practiced in the state-of-the-art ORs in the central operating block of the hospital.

All of the necessary diagnostic procedures are carried out in the central X-ray, MSCT diagnostics, biochemical and microbiological laboratory. It has two state-of-the-art endovideo columns for endoscopic and laparoscopic procedures, a mobile X-ray machine in the operating rooms. We use several state-of-the-art ultrasound machines in the Ward and in the outpatient clinics.

The Digestive surgery Ward has its own apartment-type single and double rooms, semi intensive care and ICU( Intensive Care Unit) within the Surgery center. It uses two infirmaries at the Polyclinics ward.

Within the CODRA Surgical Center – General and digestive surgery, we conduct all types of procedures on digestive organs:

Diagnostics, early detection, conservative and radical surgical treatment of all the malignant diseases

 Laparascopic and open surgical procedures depending on the indications:

– Esophageal surgeries in cases of malignant and benign tumors

-Stomach surgeries in cases of malignant diseases (total gastrectomy with appropriate anastomoses)

– Liver resections in primary and secondary malignant tumors

– Radical surgical treatment for malignant diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts

– Resections of the small and/or large intestine in malignant diseases

– Derivation of intestinal content (ileostomy, colostomy)


Surgical treatment of benign changes and inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs

Laparoscopic and open surgical procedures depending on the indications

  • • Laparoscopic removal of the gallbladder in case of calculus and/or inflammatory process
  • • Liver echinococcus surgeries
  • • Stomach and duodenal ulcer operations
  • • Removal of the spleen (splenectomy) due to hematological, oncological, surgical indications
  • • Intestinal resections in cases of certain inflammatory processes, deformities (Crohn’s disease, colitis, diverticulosis, congenital and acquired anomalies)

Surgical treatment of hernias – laparascopic and open surgical procedures in cases of:

– Hiatus hernia

– Ventral hernias

– Umbilical hernias

– Inguinal, inguinal hernias

– Lumbar hernias/

Laparoscopic and open appendectomy(appendix surgery)

Diagnostics and treatment of hemorrhoids

– THD procedure application

Skin and subcutaneous tissue surgery

– Surgeries of all benign and malignant skin tumors

– Wound treatment

Percutaneous, minimally invasive procedures:

– Percutaneous puncture of large liver cysts

– Percutaneous liver biopsy and primary and secondary liver tumors

– Percutaneous biopsy of other tumor changes in the abdomen

Surgical diagnostic procedures:

– Anoscopy with biopsy

– Rectoscopy with biopsy

– Rectosigmocolonoscopy with biopsy

– Ultrasound diagnostics of the abdomen

– X-ray native and contrast diagnostics

– MSCT of the abdomen

The following revered experts are members of our team in the General and Abdominal surgery ward:

Prim. Dr Dragoljub Kastratović, Dr Eldin Lamežević, Prof. Dr Miroslav Ilić.

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