Diagnostics and treatment in compliance with the latest world standards
The CODRA Urology center is one of the three most relevant urology facilities in the region. Over the last 15 years since it came to existence the Urology center has been following world trends in diagnostics and treatment of the urology patients with the use of cutting edge equipment and continuously investing in education of medical specialists and the doctors who are in the process of completing their residency. The Urology center cooperates with the most significant urology and oncology centers in the region (Belgrade, Zagreb, Slovenj Gradec, Skopje) as well as the centers in Austria, Turkey, Italy and Switzerland which contributes the overall credibility of the Center.
The center has two wards with single and double apartment type rooms, semi intensive care and its own ICU (Intensive care unit), ESWL treatment room, three infirmaries within the Policlinics of the hospital. The Center also has the most modernly equipped ORs within the Central operating block.
Within the Urology center we conduct all of the procedures regarding diagnostics and treatment of the urology diseases.
1. Diagnostics, early detection of diseases, conservative and radical surgical treatment of all malignant kidney diseases, canalicular system – upper urothelium, bladder, prostate, testicles, penis, urethra:
• Radical nephrectomy and nephroureterectomy in malignant kidney tumors and upper urothelium
• TUR – transurethral resection of the bladder tumor – endoscopic tumor surgery of the urinary bladder
• Total cystectomy with various forms of urinary derivation in infiltrative
urinary bladder tumors
• TRUS prostate biopsy
• NEW!!! : Targeted MR/TRUS Fusion Biopsy of the Prostate: Targeted MR – Magnetic Resonance / TRUS – Transrectal Ultrasound Fusion Biopsy is a technology that creates an image of the prostate by fusing previously performed MR images with real TRUS images.
This diagnostic procedure significantly increases precision and accuracy of the biopsy results of suspected prostate cancer.
• Radical prostatectomy, including nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy
• Radical orchiectomy in cases of testicular tumors
2. Diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract calculi by application:
• ESWL (Extracorporeal stone destruction method which uses shock waves)
• PCNL – percutaneous nephrolitholapaxy (destruction of large kidney stones
by the method of percutaneous, endoscopic operative technique lithotripsy, application
laser and/or electrohydraulic procedures)
• FURS – Flexible ureterorenoscopy with lithotripsy of kidney stones and
urinary channels – ureters, laser procedure
• URS – Semirigid ureterorenoscopy with lithotripsy of stones in the ureters
• LithoClast with electrohydraulic and/or laser probe
• Cystolithotripsy and cystolitholaplexy of bladder stones with electrohydraulic and/or laser probe
3. Transurethral resection (TUR) of the prostate – endoscopic operation of the prostatestate
4. Genital surgery and urethral surgery:
• Penile surgery of congenital and acquired malformations including individual grafts and/or prosthesis
• Operative procedures for undescended testicles
• Operative methods (urethroplasty) in anterior and posterior urethral stenosis, congenital or acquired, including the application of grafts
• Hypospadias operations of all localizations
• Installation of urethral sphincters due to urinary incontinence (uncontrolled urination) in men after certain surgical procedures
• Operative treatment of hydrocele, phimosis, irregular frenulum, condyloma
5. Marital sterility treatment in cooperation with the Gynecology and IVF Center:
• Diagnostics and medical treatment of male sterility
• Operative treatment of varicocele as a risk factor in male infertility
• Minimally invasive and/or microsurgical varicocele surgery using the MarMar method
• PESA – percutaneous aspiration of spermatozoa from the epididymis
• TESA – percutaneous aspiration of spermatozoa from the testicles
• TESE – testicular operative sperm extraction
• Cryopreservation of extracted spermatozoa
NEW!!! MicroTESE – MicroTESE is an operative procedure of taking samples by examining testicular tissue under a microscope and detecting spermatozoa in those tissues. It differs from the standard TESE operation because the examination is performed using a microscope with a magnification of 20-25 times and reaches the canalicular structures that produce spermatozoa in the testicular tissue. The microscope used in the CODRA Hospital has a magnification capacity of up to 50 times.
6. Diagnostics and treatment of all the forms of urinary disorders in women:
• Operative treatment for uncontrolled urination – TVT- TOT procedures
7. Percutaneous, minimally invasive procedures:
• Percutaneous puncture of large kidney cysts
• Percutaneous kidney biopsy
• Percutaneous nephrostomy
8. Urological diagnostic procedures:
• Urethroscopy
• Cystoscopy
• •Ureterorenoscopy
• Transrectal ultrasound diagnostics
• Ultrasound diagnosis with color doppler of organs of the urogenital tract
• Urethrocystography and ureteropyelography. Nephrostomography.
• MSCT urography
9. Conservative treatment of urological diseases in outpatient and hospital conditions
Urology specialists who work in the CODRA Urology Center are as follows:
Prof. Dr Dragoljub Perović, Dr Dragan Đurović, Dr Vladimir Brajović, M. sc Dr Zoran Mrkić and
Resident doctor Dr Đorđije Perović.
Associates, Urology specialists: Dr Marko Vuković, Dr Nenad Radović.
Fixed terms Urology Center Permanent associates are as follows:
Doc. Dr Ivan Vuković (Belgrade), Prim Dr Marko Zupančić (Slovenj Gradec), Ass. Dr Vladimir Kojović (Beograd), Dr Mustafa Bazardžanović (Tuzla).
The consultant of the Center is Prof. Dr Jasmin Bektić (Innsbruck, Austria).