
Orthopedics is a medical specialty that studies, prevents and treats diseases, deformities and injuries of the movement system. Today, orthopedics is primarily a surgical profession due to the active, operative approach in the treatment of many conditions. It also retained its historical characteristics, including the care of skeletal deformities with general tasks of care for the disabled, so it cooperates with other specialties, such as school and physical medicine, pediatrics, rheumatology and neonatology.


  •  Orthopedic examination
  •  X-ray diagnostics
  •  MSCT diagnostics (scans of the spine, joints, ligaments, bones)
  •  Laboratory diagnostics
  •  Application of plaster casts
  •  Blockages
  •  Ultrasonography of the pediatric hips


  • Arthroscopy (diagnostic and operative)
  •  Hip operations (installation of partial and total prostheses)
  •  Fracture operations (osteosynthesis)
  •  Foreign body removal surgeries
  •  Hands, feet and peripheral nerves microsurgeries
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